(Grammar Only)
Article I
The Name of this Association shall be the SOUTH FLORIDA CLAIMS ASSOCIATION.
Article II
Sec. 1. To promote harmony and cordial business relations among the members; to exchange information concerning matters of interests; to discuss common problems and to develop a high standard of ethics; to promote the general welfare of the companies of represented.
Sec. 2. To ensure thorough cooperation of its members, such administration of all insurance claims and losses as will result in prompt and just settlement of meritorious insurance claims.
Sec. 3. To promote plans for cooperation in vigorously resisting collusion, deception and false or fraudulent claims and losses, and promptly discourage and expose dishonest, unscrupulous and unethical practices, whether indulged in by professionals or laypeople.
Sec. 4. To agree that everything discussed at meetings of the Association of the Committees shall be held in strict confidence unless otherwise agreed. Further, that the knowledge gained through membership of the Association shall not be used against the interest of any individual member or any company having a duly accredited representative in the Association.
Article III
The membership registration periods from January 1st to May 31st of the calendar year.
Sec. 1. Regular Members: Any person engaged in claim adjusting on behalf of insurance companies and/or self-insurers is eligible for membership provided he or she is so actively engaged for more that 50 percent of his/her working hours and is acceptable to the Association.
Sec. 2. Associate Members: Any person not meeting the eligibility requirements for regular membership as defined in Section 1, provided he or she is acceptable to the Association, is eligible for associated membership, except that an individual holding a 320 insurance license (Public Adjuster-All Lines) or working for an individual who holds a 320 insurance license (Public Adjuster-All Lines) shall not be eligible for membership.
Sec. 3. Life Members: Life Membership may be awarded by a majority vote of the Executive Board of the Association. A Life Membership consists of and is limited to, free membership in the Association for the person’s lifetime. As such the Life Member is entitled to those considerations that a regular member enjoys.
Eligibility to be considered for Life Membership is limited to regular members and associate members; there is no other requirement for consideration.
Life Memberships will be limited to two members per calendar year.
Life Memberships will be bestowed upon those regular and associate members who have displayed, in words and deeds, a sincere interest in the Association and who have given of their time unselfishly and desires the Association’s recognition.
Sec. 4. Expulsion: Upon the written request of any member of the Association, the Membership Committee shall consider the suggestion that a member be expelled, and upon unanimous vote of the Membership Committee, the matter will be submitted to the Executive Committee and upon a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee, the member shall be expelled. Any appeal by the offender shall be made to the entire membership at a meeting within sixth (60) days of the expulsion and a majority of the membership present and voting shall be required to ratify or overrule the findings of the Executive Committee.
Sec. 5. Voting eligibility: Regular Members in good standing are eligible to vote on all issues brought before the membership in accordance with these Bylaws at all regular meetings and election of officers. Associate Members in good standing are eligible to vote at the election of officers ONLY.
Article IV
Sec. 1. The officers of the Association shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
The above officers, together with the Executive Committee, hereinafter provided for, constitute the Governing Board of the Association in whose hands the management of the Association shall be.
Sec. 2. The election of officers shall be in the last meeting in November.
Sec. 3. Each officer shall take office January One (1), and shall continue in office until his/her successor is elected and installed.
Sec. 4. The President of the Association, or in his/her absence, the Vice President shall appoint a nominating committee at least thirty (30) days in advance of the last meeting in November for the purpose of presenting to the Association recommended officers for the ensuing year.
Sec. 5. Nominations for any office can be made from the floor at the regular meeting held for the election of the officers.
Sec. 6. The election shall be by secret or voice ballot and the vote of the majority of those present shall elect, provided a quorum is present.
Sec. 7. No more than two (2) members from the same firm, employer, or company may serve as officers in the same term.
Sec. 8. No more than two (2) members may be other than regular members.
Sec. 9. In the event the President becomes incapacitated, or for any reason is unable or unwilling to perform the duties of President, the Vice President shall become President and assume all duties as President.
Sec. 10. Any vacancy on the Executive Board, other than President, may be filled by appointment by the President, and approved by a simple majority vote of the Executive Board at their next regular board meeting. The President shall consider and choose any regular or associate member in good standing as is appropriate for the open position.
Article V
Sec. 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association whenever such meetings are deemed advisable and necessary by the Governing Board.
Sec. 2. The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President when the latter is absent or incapacitated.
Sec. 3. The Secretary shall notify the members of the time and place of meetings; take minutes of business meetings; and will correspond for, and on behalf of, the Association; keep an active register of membership showing name and addresses and company represented.
Sec. 4. The Treasurer shall collect and be the custodian of the dues and any assessments voted by the membership and dispose of the funds in accordance with the direction of the vote of the membership or Governing Board and shall be under appropriate bond, the amount, thereof, to be determined by the Governing Board.
Article VI
Sec. 1. The regular meetings of the association shall be held once each month of each year except June, July and August when the meetings shall be suspended in addition to any other month the board deems necessary.
Sec. 2. Special meetings of the Association shall be held subject to the call of the Governing Board.
Sec. 3. Ten percent (10%) of the voting membership of the Association shall constitute a quorum at any meeting.
Article VII
Sec. 1. It shall be the duty of the President upon accession to office to appoint the standing committees. He shall also appoint such special committees as are authorized by the Association during the term of office, or such special committees as are deemed necessary by him. It shall be mandatory upon the President to appoint an Executive Committee consisting of eight members. The officers of the Association shall be members of such Executive Committee including a Past President and three selections of the President; of which one will be designated the Chair of Information Technology (CIT).
Article VIII
Sec. 1. The dues of the Association shall be fixed by recommendation of the Executive Committee and upon a majority vote of the members of the Association present and voting.
Sec. 2. Each member of this Association shall pay his/her dues in advance and same is to be collected by the Treasurer.
Sec. 3. All membership dues are payable by May 31st of the calendar year. Current members will be listed in the directory on the website. Members will be given a user ID name and password that will allow access into the members only section of the website. Members receive the benefit of a discount on dinner and special events. The timely payment of dues will help to qualify students of members in the Laurie Flood Scholarship Application process.
Article IX
- Reading of minutes of previous meeting
- Report of Secretary
- Report of Treasurer
- Reports of Committees
- Reading of membership applications and action thereon
- Unfinished business
- New business
- General discussion
- Program
- Adjournment
Sec. 2. The conduct of the meeting of the Association shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order when not in conflict with its Constitution and Bylaws.
Article X
Sec. 1. Proposed amendments to the Charter and Bylaws must be submitted in writing to the President or Secretary. Any proposed amendment shall be given due consideration at the next meeting of the Executive Committee and, if deemed advisable that the amendment be adopted, it shall be read by the Secretary at the next regular meeting of the Association when it shall be voted upon and, if the majority of votes of those present, provided a quorum is present, are cast in its favor, it shall be immediately adopted.